Posts tagged 'Python'


Mad-Max Scapy: Improving Scapy's packet sending performance

I've been using Scapy for years and one thing that's always bothered me was it's performace, especially when it comes to sending packets, to give you an idea:

from scapy.all import *
for i in range(0, 10):
             psrc=' …


Using Nfqueue with Python the right way

While I was re-writing the Spoof plugin for MITMf I came across the "pythonic" way of using Nfqueue with python.

Previously the plugin was using code from for DNS tampering, which used the nfqueue-bindings python library from here.

Problem was that it was a pain to setup: you …


Toby: finding the needle in the haystack

When I successfully extract a file system from the firmware of an embedded system, the first thing that I do is run grep or strings looking for low hanging fruit or even potential command injection vulns.

What I wanted though is something that recursively checked all files of a directory …


Pyexfil - Using Python to make Gmail a C&C server

Now I'm pretty sure there was a talk at BlackHat a couple of years ago about doing this, so this might not be anything new but I'll write about it anyway.

This is a great way to exfiltrate data from a network: it's stealthy (who looks at traffic going to …