I'm an Arch linux fan and I've been using Empire on a lot of pentests recently. Problem is Empire requires Swig2 and Arch had only Swig3 in it's repos.
Today I just noticed that the Arch AUR has a functional Swig2 package, and I finally got Empire running! W00t!
So, without further ado (I'm assuming you have yaourt installed and you're using a python2 virtualenv):
#Install Swig2
yaourt -S swig2
#Temporarly symlink swig-2 to swig, otherwise python dependency compilation will fail
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/swig-2 /usr/bin/swig
#Again, I'm assuming you're using a virtualenv cause python3 is the default python interpreter on arch
pip install pycrypto iptools pydispatcher m2crypto m2ext
#Remove the temporary symlink cause it could cause package conflicts
sudo rm /usr/bin/swig
cd Empire/setup
#Initialize Empire's database
python setup_database.py
#Generate a self-signed cert to use https listeners
#Run Empire
python empire
aaaaaand Profit!
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